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My Experience Studying Abroad in Taiwan

-by FARRAH BURRELL, 2016 HES Recipient 
-posted on November 9, 2017

My journey of studying abroad in Taiwan first started when I applied for the Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES) program in 2016 at my local Education Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Houston, Texas. At that time, I was just looking to continue my Mandarin language studies and gain some exposure to Taiwanese culture, but I never expected to gain the wonderful opportunities that became available to me during my studies in Taiwan. After receiving the news that I have been chosen as a recipient of the HES Scholarship, the Director of Education Division Sophie Chou, and other dedicated staff of the TECO office graciously helped with providing me all of the useful information and resources that I needed in order to be prepared when arriving and getting accustomed to life in Taiwan. After my arrival, I immediately felt comfortable in the new environment. The citizens were so nice and willing to help me whenever I was lost, regardless of the language barrier.

When starting the language program, because I had studied Chinese previously before in America, I was placed in a higher-level class after taking the placement test. The class curriculum was rigorous, but very fun and interactive as well. My teacher implemented the best methods on how to retain the new words and grammar while giving us the opportunity to speak conversationally using what we’ve learned, which is very important and useful for real-world interactions. Our class was small which gave us more opportunities to have more in-depth interactions with the teacher and work on any issues that we had with learning Mandarin, as well as create strong bonds between classmates and becoming close friends. Another aspect of the program that I greatly enjoyed were the cultural excursions. We were able to explore the breathtaking landscapes of Taiwan, as well as have exposure to the rich history of Taiwanese and aboriginal culture.

Before I knew it, a year had already passed and my program was finished. I had grown to love Taiwan and I felt that there were still more things to explore and to learn, so I chose the next best option which was to continue studying in Taiwan by attending University. After spending weeks researching which school would be the best for me, I finally decided that Tamkang University was the best option. I decided to join the Department of Diplomacy and International Relations because as someone who has an interest in possibly becoming a diplomat in the future and has in interest in international relations, it fit my needs perfectly. Now after already having experienced nearly half of a semester as a DDIR freshman, I can honestly say that this department has really become another family to me. My classmates are a perfect mix of wonderful people from around the world and local Taiwanese, and they all have the same interests and goals as I do. They are all kind and likeminded individuals, and the Professors are even better. To me, they don’t just consider the students as just a number, they truly care about what we learn and ensure that we gain meaningful knowledge about the world of International Relations and Diplomacy. They encourage discussions, deep thinking and allow us to give our input and opinions about the topics we learn.  They don’t just give us a lecture and multiple choice exams. I think another special aspect is that the Chairman of our Department, Professor Cheng Chin-mo also takes the time to get to know his students personally, and he really cares about their progress and experience in the university. He, as well as other professors are willing to give us opportunities to listen to guest speakers and help expose us to different aspects of having a career in Diplomacy and International Relations, and to me that really shows that they care about our success. In conclusion, I really am happy that I made the decision to come to Taiwan. My Chinese has improved exponentially, the country and its people are safe, welcoming and fun, and most importantly I have the chance to study in a top-tier educational environment.


作者:2016學年度華語文獎學金受獎生博菲拉(FARRAH BURRELL)

我在台灣留學的旅程,起初是在我在德州「駐休斯頓臺北經濟文化辦事處教育組 (Education Division of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Houston)」申請2016年教育部華語獎學金(Huayu Enrichment Scholarship, HES)的時候開始的。那時候我只是想繼續我的普通話學習,接觸一些台灣的文化,但是我從來沒有料到自己會在台灣留學期間獲得這些機會。在收到我被選為HES獎學金獲得者的消息之後,教育組組長周慧宜(Sophie Chou)TECO辦公室的其他專職人員(Isabelle Chen)給予了我所需要的所有有用訊息和資源,在台灣到達習慣生活時做好準備。在我到達之後,我立即在新的環境中感到舒適。無論語言障礙如何,每當我迷路的時候,市民都非常好,願意幫助我。









休士頓主流大學推廣臺灣教育 同時幫助社區

駐休士頓教育組組長周慧宜(右)與聖湯瑪士大學華語及文化社社長Max Castroparedes合影


休士頓聖湯瑪士大學華語及文化社(The Chinese Language and Culture Association at the University of St. Thomas)於2017119日於上午11時至下午2時於該校校園生活廣場(Campus Life Mall)舉辦華語及臺灣文化宣傳活動。現場設有聞名全世界的臺灣美食波霸奶茶專區,供現場與會者品嚐。

活動以Gathering to Give為宣傳口號,號召學生與教職員,共同為哈維颶風受災戶盡一份心力。駐休士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處贊助此一別具意義的活動,同時到場為工作人員加油打氣,並於現場發放臺灣簡介、獎學金資訊、觀光及文化文宣資料。該活動以推廣華語及文化為發想,進而結合學校資源,幫助社區回饋社會,參加者除可品嚐臺灣美食外,也同時做公益。該校學生及教職員可於活動現場購買入場券,活動收入所得將捐助哈維颶風(Hurricane Harvey)受災戶。現場估計約有200300人出席活動,共同為社區盡一份心力。

活動當天,該校校長Richard Ludwick、國際研究中心主任Hans Stockton、臺灣研究專任教授葉耀元及國會議員Sheila Jackson Lee辦公室代表Ivan Sanchez等,均到場參加支持活動。





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University of St. Thomas “Gathering to Give” Promotes Taiwan

PHOTO: (left) Director Sophie Chou of Education Division of TECO in Houston and (right) President Max Castroparedes of CLCS at the University of St. Thomas pose for a photo in front of a Study in Taiwan banner

By Isabelle Chen
November 28, 2017

The president of a student club at the University of St. Thomas (UST), Max Castroparedez, showed up with almost Disneyesque smiles on his face at the Education Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Houston at an early day of the 2017 Fall Semester for college students. He carried a big mission on his shoulders and was looking for sponsorship for an event on advertising the Chinese Language and Culture Association (CLCA) that he presides as a university freshman.

After gathering Max’s plans about promoting his club and details on the logistics for the event, TECO in Houston couldn’t be happier to support this exceptionally positive young man with great passions for the Chinese language he barely speaks as well as the culture he experiences solely through his Taiwanese friends. The event targeted on introducing Chinese language and Taiwanese cultures to students, faculty/staff of UST, and local communities.

The event date was set in September before the infamous Hurricane Harvey hit Houston at the end of August 2017. In the wake of Harvey, Max’s family became one of the thousands of households affected by the Storm. His family’s house was severely flooded that not only did they have to list the house but also lost literally everything to the flood. Rebuilding and getting back to a normal life takes time and money. Max even had to work three jobs to overcome the financial challenge caused by the flooding but he was not back away from making the event happen during his first semester at the UST. Despite all of the challenges, for the following four months, Max still presented himself at every meeting with TECO with same huge smiles on his face.

After Max’s restless hard works, the event was finally taken place on November 9 at the Campus Life Mall of UST, named “GATHERING TO GIVE”. All of its proceedings were to go to Harvey relief funds to support victims of the Storm. The event took its initial objective to the next level by reacting to the occurrence of a natural disaster in helping people in need to go through difficult times.

People showed up at the event to show their support for the Club, the Language, the Culture, and the Initiative. Foods couldn’t be tastier, the language couldn’t be friendlier, cultures couldn’t be closer, the message couldn’t be more powerful when people gather to give and care for each other. The event concluded with approximately 300 participants and received about US$3,500 monetary donations.

PHOTO: Display of the advertisement materials for Study in Taiwan

Photo: Dr. Richard Ludwick (center), president of University of St. Thomas attends the event

Photo: (left) Director Sophie Chou of Education Division of TECO in Houston, (center) Professor Yao-Yuan Yeh of Taiwan Study Program, and (right) Director Hans Stockton of the Center for International Studies at the University of St. Thomas present to support the event

Photo: Participants get in line for the Boba milk tea

Photo: Participants get in line for the Boba milk tea




 全美外語教學協會(The American on the Teaching of Foreign Language, ACTFL)主席暨奧克拉荷馬州教育廳世界語言部主任Desa Dawson於本(2017)1127日到123日應中華民國教育部邀請訪問台灣

Desa Dawson 主席此行身兼多重任務除代表奧克拉荷馬州教育廳與教育部國際及兩岸教育司畢祖安司長續簽教育合作備忘錄延續雙邊友好情誼之外亦訪問台灣華語文教學學會以及國家華語測驗推動工作委員會深入了解台灣華語教學及評量的發展現況希望台灣研發的華語能力測驗能夠與美國外語教學訂定的標準接軌

Desa Dawson主席也直接分享外語教學法強調外語學習者一週至少要與外語老師進行三次面對面的學習總時數也不能低於七十五分鐘才能達到學習的效果

Desa Dawson主席同時擔任奧克拉荷馬州教育廳世界語言部主任的職銜,強調原住民語言文化的重要,對原民文化的保存與發展尤其重視此行在台灣也走訪苗栗縣蟠桃國民小學與五位從美國到台灣偏鄉進行外語教學的老師座談


這次的台灣行讓Desa Dawson主席DIY親身體驗了膨風茶文化一瞥了台南保安宮廟會歡慶夜遊國華街巷弄小滿食堂看到了人民善良純樸的風情、一點一滴了解台灣

Desa Dawson主席與教育部國際及兩岸教育司畢祖安司長續簽教育合作備忘錄


教育部國際司陳立穎科長、中: Desa Dawson 主席、右來義高中主任陳冠洲

Desa Dawson 主席聚精會神體驗茶文化



實踐大學餐飲管理學系主任高秋英(1)師生、宜蘭傳藝老爺行旅執行辦公室經理游鏡怡(3)、與美國德州喬治基金會社區發展主任Dee Koch(4)合影
美國德州喬治基金會(The George Foundation)主任迪庫克(Dee Koch)應實踐大學餐飲管理學系高秋英主任邀請到台灣主持青年領導能力培育課程。從今年1212日起到15日,共為期4天的課程係採全英語授課,並且聚焦團隊合作與溝通能力,透過分組討論與情境模擬來進行實務訓練。共有大學部及研究所50名學生報名參加課程。

喬治基金會(The George Foundation)是以鼓勵青少年從事社區慈善志工服務為宗旨,特別強調培養青少年的學習溝通與團隊合作能力,進而學習如何回饋社區。迪庫克主任尤其喜歡與青年學生互動,本身因為女兒在越南工作的緣故,讓她對亞洲產生很大的興趣。經由駐休士頓台北經濟文化辦事處教育組的引介,開始與實踐大學有密切的教育交流往來。







近年來由於台灣高等教育發展成熟,加上少子化的緣故,到美國留學人數有趨緩現象。根據美國國際教育組織(Institute of International Education, IIE)最新公布的數字,2017年美國台灣留學生人數為21,516人;加拿大的台灣留學生約3,000多人。陳處長於會中表示,透過教育部在美國7個教育組轄內所服務的283個台灣同學會,以及加拿大2個教育組所聯繫服務的25個台灣同學會,透過這些脈絡,可以建立起有效的人力資源服務網。 



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10.  碩士及博士成績單影本(國外學歷歷年成績單請由駐外單位驗證之)
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  電話:(028674-1111  分機66558
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二、      「應檢附之文件及著作」第12點之word檔案請傳至mba_hd@mail.ntpu.edu.twshufen@mail.ntpu.edu.tw
三、      應聘資料不另退還。



美國德州休士頓獨立學區總監Richard Carranza伉儷12月中旬應中華民國教育部邀請訪問台灣,在短短一週行程中,馬不停蹄逐一走訪目前與該學區進行合作的中、小學,實地驗收雙邊教育交流成果。

該學區於2015年與台北市政府教育局締結合作夥伴協定以來,即在駐休士頓教育組的聯繫及協助之下展開各項合作計畫。C總監此行訪問了進行「教師交換計畫」的台北市大理高中、以及進行「國際筆友計畫」的內湖高中。本(2017)年12月19日學區總監Richard Carranza與台北市政府教育局謝麗華主任秘書親自出席見證台北市明道國小與休士頓中文沉浸學校的姊妹校簽約儀式,為雙邊教育合作更添佳話。



台北市明道國民小學匡秀蘭校長(1)、台北市教育局謝麗華主任秘書(3)、休士頓獨立學區總監Richard Carranza(3)、總監夫人Monique Carranza(2)、休士頓中文沉浸學校張兆麟校長(1)

Superintendent’s trip empowers educational partnerships

PHOTO: (L1) Principal Show-Lan Kwan of Min-Dao Elementary School; (L3) Executive Director Li-Hua Shie of Education Department of Taipei City Government; (R3) Superintendent Richard Carranza of HISD; (R2) Mrs. Monique Carranza; (R1) Principal Chaolin Chang of Mandarin Chinese Magnet Immersion School of HISD

At the end of December 2017, Superintendent Richard Carranza of the Houston Independent School District (HISD) and Mrs. Carranza visited Taiwan as distinguished guests of the Ministry of Education. Despite a trip as short as one week, Mr. and Mrs. Carranza enjoyed their stay very much and spent most of their time visiting K-12 schools. They were highly impressed by the schools, teachers, and students they encountered along the way.
As a result of collaborative efforts from the Education Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Houston, HISD and the Department of Education of the Taipei City Government entered an educational partnership in 2015. This partnership has brought together schools on both sides and increased access to great programs such as teacher exchange, and a student pen-pal project.
Superintendent Carranza took the opportunity to visit HISD’s partner schools in Taipei including Da-Li High School and Nei-Hu High School to gain an in-depth understanding of the aforementioned programs. On top of his trip, he witnessed an agreement established on the educational partnership between HISD’s Mandarin Chinese Magnet Immersion School and Ming-Dao Elementary School of Taipei.
Mr. and Mrs. Carranza’s journey would not be complete without visiting schools of other cities in Taiwan. Principle Charlie Cha of Min-Zu Elementary School was thrilled to introduce Chia-Yi City’s English Wonderland program to the school’s first visiting education official from America. Texas Education Agency certified teacher, Judy Fang, who was recruited by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan for the Teaching in Taiwan program, was more than excited to demonstrate her teaching for the occasion. Superintendent Carranza was elated to meet a Texas teacher in Taiwan and admired the effort Judy put into her teaching.
As Chia-Yi County is home to the magnificent A-Li Mountain, it enjoys a fine reputation for producing high-quality Taiwanese tea known the world over. The tea ceremony and tasting at Min-Zu Elementary was an eye-opening experience for Mr. and Mrs. Carranza. They were fascinated and charmed by the volunteer parent of the school who elegantly conducted every step in making a cup of tea to perfection. The ceremony was accompanied by a beautiful performance featuring a stringed instrument, a dulcimer (揚琴), carried out by a sixth grader at Min-Zu.

As first timers to Asia, Mr. and Mrs. Carranza left the National Palace Museum and Chi-Mei Museum with disbelieve that Taiwan, a small island, could play such a big part in the world of art collections and is the host to the world’s largest ancient Chinese artifacts. Memories of stunning views, friendly people, great school programs, dedicated educators, and diligent students steadily stacked up along their trip. The visit has further strengthened educational partnerships and is an encouraging sign for future collaboration.

PHOTO: Superintendent Richard Carranza visits Min-Zu Elementary School in Chia-Yi City





華語小大師-夏(冬)令營 (https://ntnucamp.sce.ntnu.edu.tw/summercamp_tw/)



報名方式:請至駐休士頓教育組網頁www.moetw.org下載報名表,並於本(2018)228前將填妥申請表美國護照影本以電子郵件方式寄至 houcul@houstoncul.org 
有住宿需求者,住宿費支票(支票抬頭為Education Division, TECO in Houston)請於2018228前以郵寄方式寄達休士頓臺北經文處教育組:11 Greenway Plaza, Suite 2012, Houston, TX 77046
駐休士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處教育組 鍾慧小姐 
實踐大學國際事務處 Ms. Kuo, Li Wen

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Institute of Marketing Communication,
National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan

Full-time Faculty Position Wanted in Big-data Marketing, Marketing Communication, Advertising, Public Relations, and Content Marketing, Social Marketing

The Institute of Marketing Communication at National Sun Yat-sen University in Taiwan invites applications for one full-time faculty position beginning on August 1st 2018. We are especially interested in the areas of Big-data Marketing, Marketing Communication Management, Advertising, Public Relations, Content Marketing, and Social Marketing.


For appointment at the assistant professor level, applicants should hold a Ph.D in Advertising, Communications, Marketing, Management, or related field, and demonstrate the potential to achieve, or have a strong record for research and teaching. Candidates in higher ranks should have an established record of both strong research and teaching.

NSYSU was established in 1980 at Kaohsiung, the second largest metropolitan in Taiwan and has emerged over the years as one of the best comprehensive universities in the country. In 2002 NSYSU was named by the Ministry of Education as one of the country's seven major research-intensive universities. The Institute was established in 1997 and is one of the best graduate program of its kind in Taiwan. The Institute offers Master’s program. In June 2014, the Institute was officially renamed the Institute of Marketing Communication, and continues to be a leader in the education and research of marketing and communications management in Taiwan. According to Eduniversal, the Institute was ranked first in communications in Taiwan and the 10th in communications in the far east region in 2016.

Submit the following documents: 
  Curriculum vitae containing a full list of publicationsin recent 5 years.
  full texts of publications.
  a copy of the Ph.D. diploma; master and Ph. D official transcripts
●  research interest
●  teaching courses
●  student evaluation outcome.
●  three recommendation letters 

Please send the required documents online (mmazaa@mail.nsysu.edu.tw) and in paper to :
Institute of Marketing Communication,
National Sun Yat-sen University.
70, Lien-hai Road, District of Gushan, Kaohsiung City, 80424, Taiwan.

Please submit your application by February 9th 2018.

For further inquiry, please contact:
Ms. Yeh
Institute of Marketing Communication,
886-7-5252000 ext. 4951
Facsimile: 886-7-5254969

Website: http://imc.nsysu.edu.tw/files/11-1104-11061-1.php?Lang=en


MOE Taiwan Scholarship 2018


The MinistryofEducation TaiwanScholarship 2018-2019

Application Period: February 1, 2018 - March 31, 2018

Our office accepts applications from the following states: Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas. If you are not sure where to submit your application, please check the following website: http://www.tw.org/scholarships/.


There are eight (8) openings available for the MOE Taiwan Scholarship 2018-2019. Eligible individuals from Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas are welcome to submit applications.

1.        Applicants must be American nationals with a high-school diploma or post-secondary degree(s), have excellent academic records and be of good moral character.
2.        Applicants are ineligible if they meet any of the following restrictions:
loverseas Chinese students or nationals of the Republic of China (Taiwan);
lstudents who are currently registered or have obtained student status at any universities/colleges in Taiwan (graduating students pursuing further studies are exempt from this rule);
lstudents who have studied in Taiwan for the same level of a degree program as the one they intend to enroll;
lexchange or dual/joint degree students admitted in accordance with academic cooperation agreements between local universities/colleges and foreign universities/colleges;
lindividuals who have been recipients of the MOE Taiwan Scholarship for over a total of five (5) years;
lindividuals who have, in the past, had their MOE Taiwan Scholarship or MOE Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES) revoked;
lrecipients of any other scholarship or subsidy funded by the Taiwan government or educational institutions in Taiwan. However, this does not include preferential prices offered by universities/colleges to cover tuition and other fees exceeding this scholarship limit.
3.        Applicants should apply directly for admission within the application periods specified by each university/college.

Duration and Limits
1.        The maximum scholarship duration on each degree level for each recipient is as the following:
               (1)     Four (4) years for bachelor’s degree programs
               (2)     Two (2) years for master’s degree programs
               (3)     Four (4) years for doctoral programs
2.        The total length of the scholarship duration for each recipient is limited to five (5) years in a combination of different degree levels.
3.        The scholarship award period for each academic year is from September 1 to August 31 of the following year.

Award Value
The MOE provides each recipient of the MOE Taiwan Scholarship with the following:
1.   Tuitionandfees:Upon validationoftuitionandfees, the MOEwill pay upto40,000 New Taiwan Dollar (NTD) each semester for each recipient.Shouldthetotalamountof tuition and fees exceed40,000 NTD, theremainderof allcostsshallbecoveredbytherecipient.Tuitionandfeesdonot includeanyofthe following:administrationfees,thesisadvisingfees, insurancepremiums,accommodation, or internetaccess,allofwhichare must be paidbytherecipients.
2.    Subsistenceallowance: TheMOEwill provideeachrecipientundertaking undergraduatestudies with a monthlystipendof15,000 NTD;it will provideeach recipientundertakingpostgraduatestudies with amonthlystipendof 20,000 NTD.

1.         Required documents:
              (1)      A completed Taiwan Scholarship Application Form 2018-2019;
              (2)      A copy of the applicant’s passport or other documents that can verify the nationality of the applicant;
              (3)      A copy of the certificate of the applicant’s highest degree obtained;
              (4)      Original academic transcripts (sealed) from the institution that the applicant obtained his/her highest degree;
              (5)      Proof of application for admission to universities/colleges in Taiwan (e.g. photocopies of application form(s), etc.) *The name of the school(s) and degree program(s) must be specified in those documents;
              (6)      A copy of the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) certificate of Level 3 or above. All-English taught programs applicants may be exempt from this requirement;
              (7)      Two letters of recommendation from school principals, professors, academic counselors, or supervisors;
              (8)      Statement of Purpose; and
              (9)      Terms of Agreement for the Ministry of Education Taiwan Scholarship Program (signed and dated by the applicant).
Note: The required documents will NOT be returned to applicants.
2.         Submission (*Late applications will NOT be considered for the selection):
               (1)     Applications must be submitted between February 1, 2018, and March 31, 2018.
               (2)     Application packages must be addressed to the following office and postmarked no later than March 31, 2018:
Attn: Scholarship Program
   The Education Division of TECO in Houston
   11 Greenway Plaza, Suite 2012
   Houston, TX 77046, U.S.A.
              (3)      All MOE Taiwan Scholarship applicants will be notified by May 31, 2018 and selected candidates must submit only one copy of an admission letter issued by one university/college to the e-mail: houston@moetw.org, by June 30, 2018.
3.         Program contact:
The Education Division of TECO in Houston
11 Greenway Plaza, Suite 2012
Houston, TX 77046, U.S.A.
Telephone: (713)871-0851
Website: http://www.moetw.org/search/label/Scholarships

Selection Criteria
1.    Recipients’ academic goals should reflect an interest in the development of the industry, economy, and education of Taiwan.
2.    Recipients should possess an outstanding undergraduate or postgraduate Grade Point Average (GPA).
3.    Priority will be given to applicants with a TOCFL certificate of Level 3 or above.
4.    Applications must be completed with all the required documents attached. Incomplete applications or those missing required documents will be withdrawn from the selection process without further notice to the applicants.
5.    Interviews with qualified candidates in person or via internet/telephone may be required for the final selection process.

Other Regulations
1.    The application instructions are given in Chinese and English and, in the event of any discrepancy, the Chinese version will take precedence over the English text.

2.    For other regulations in association with the MOE Taiwan Scholarship, please refer to the Taiwan Scholarship Program Directions for details. 


Last update: January 10, 2018

MOE Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES) 2018


Huayu Enrichment Scholarship 2018

Application period: February 1, 2018 - March 31, 2018


Our office accepts applications from the following states: Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas. If you are not sure where to submit your application, please check the following website: http://www.tw.org/scholarships/.

There are twelve (12) openings available for MOE HES 2018-2019. Each applicant may select from the following durations: 2 months (limited to 2018 summer courses), 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, or 12 months. Eligible applicants from Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas are welcome to submit applications.
1. Applicants must be American nationals, above the age of eighteen (18), with a high school diploma or higher degree, must have excellent academic records, and must be of good moral character.
2.  Applicants are ineligible if they meet any of the following restrictions:
˙ overseas Chinese or nationals of the Republic of China (Taiwan);
˙ students who are currently registered at any universities/colleges or enrolled in Mandarin language training programs in Taiwan;
˙ individuals who have received an MOE HES or MOE Taiwan Scholarship in the past;
˙ exchange or dual/joint degree students admitted in accordance with academic cooperation agreements between local universities/colleges and foreign universities/colleges;
˙ individuals who are currently receiving financial benefits from the Taiwanese government or any educational institutions in Taiwan.
1.  Each applicant must select the duration of the scholarship for which they will apply. Study period may vary based on the duration selected, as described below:
Scholarship Duration
Study Period
2 months
Limited to summer courses from June to July, 2018 or from July to August, 2018
3 months
Courses between September 1, 2018 and August 31, 2019 (2018 academic year)
6 months
9 months
12 months
Courses from September 1, 2018 to August 31, 2019 (2018 academic year)
2. The Education Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Houston reserves the right to decide the duration of scholarship for successful candidates.
Award Value
1. Each scholarship recipient will receive monthly stipends of 25,000 New Taiwan Dollars (NTD) in conjunction with the duration of scholarship approved.
2.  The foreign exchange rate from USD to NTD is estimated at 1 to 30. The actual exchange rate is subject to currency fluctuations.
1.          Required documents:
˙a completed HES Application Form 2018-2019, signed and dated by the applicant
˙a photocopy of the applicant’s passport or other documents that can verify the nationality of the applicant
˙a photocopy of the certificate of the applicant’s highest degree obtained and original academic transcripts from that institution. Note: Transcripts must be sealed and signed/stamped by the institutions that issue the documents. Transcripts that are issued by international educational institutions must be presented in English language and authenticated by an overseas Representative Office of the Republic of China (Taiwan).
˙proof of application to language centers in Taiwan (e.g. photocopies of application form, a notice or e-mail from the language centers acknowledging their receipt of the application, etc.)
˙two letters of recommendation, sealed and signed by the writers
˙original Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Program Terms of Agreement, signed and dated by the applicant
2.          Submission:
˙Applications will be accepted between February 1, 2018 and March 31, 2018.
˙Applicants must directly apply for admission to language centers on the List of Language Center. Proof of application for admission to language centers is required for the HES application.
˙Applications must be sent to the following office and postmarked no later than March 31, 2018 at:
Attn: HES
Education Division of TECO in Houston
11 Greenway Plaza, Suite 2012
Houston, TX 77046, U.S.A.
˙All HES applicants will be notified by May 31, 2018 of the selection results.
˙Successful candidates must submit a photocopy of the admission letter that is issued by the language center at houston@moetw.org by June 30, 2018.
˙Two-month scholarship applicants MUST submit a photocopy of the admission letter that is issued by the language center upon their application for the HES.
3.          Program contact:
Education Division of Taipei Economy and Cultural Office in Houston
11 Greenway Plaza, Suite 2012
Houston, TX 77046, U.S.A.
Telephone: 713-871-0851
E-mail: houston@moetw.org
1. Applications are considered complete when all of the aforementioned Required Documents have been submitted. Incomplete applications or those missing required documents will be withdrawn from the selection process without further notice to the applicants.
2. Documents will be reviewed during the preliminary selection process and interviews with qualified candidates via internet or telephone may be required for the final selection process.
3. Late applications will not be considered for the selection.
Other Regulations

1. The application instructions are given in Chinese and English and, in the event of any discrepancy, the Chinese version will take precedence over the English text.
2. For further details on the regulations for HES, please refer to the Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES) International Student Directions (EN).


Last update: January 10, 2018

National Taiwan University 2018 Summer Scholarships

【2018 Summer】Scholarships
--The Chinese Language Division in the Language Center of National Taiwan University

Application Qualification: Those who are newly enrolled in the 2018 Summer
FULL Scholarship NTD40,000
PARTIAL Scholarship: NTD20,000

 For detailed information, please visit http://cld.liberal.ntu.edu.tw/en/.

Vivien Tsai, Assistant of the Chinese Language Division
National Taiwan University
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NTU.CLD/
E-mail: cld222@ntu.edu.tw
Tel: +886-2-33663417*230
Fax: +886-2-83695042
Office hours: Monday to Friday, 08:00~12:00; 13:00~17:00


全額獎學金 NTD40,000
半額獎學金 NTD20,000

辦公時間:星期一至星期五 08:00~12:00; 13:00~17:00



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