The purpose of the Ministry of Education (MOE) Taiwan Scholarship is to encourage outstanding American students and individuals to go study and pursue degree programs with universities or colleges in the Republic of China (Taiwan).
Award Value
The MOE provides each recipient of the MOE Taiwan Scholarship with the following:
1. Tuitionandfees:Upon validationoftuitionandfees, the MOEwill pay upto40,000 New Taiwan Dollar (NTD) each semester for each recipient.Shouldthetotalamountof tuition and fees exceedNTD$40,000, theremainderof allcostsshallbecoveredbytherecipient.Tuitionandfeesdonot includeanyofthe following:administrationfees,thesisadvisingfees, insurancepremiums,accommodation, or internetaccess,allofwhich must be paidbytherecipients.
2. Subsistenceallowance: TheMOEwill provideeachrecipientundertaking undergraduatestudies with amonthlystipendofNTD$15,000;it will provideeach recipientundertakingpostgraduatestudies with amonthlystipendof NTD$20,000.
3. The foreign exchange rate from USD to NTD is estimated at 1 to 29. The actual exchange rate is subject to currency fluctuations.
There are seven (7) openings available for the MOE Taiwan Scholarship 2022-2023. Eligible applicants from Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas are welcome to submit applications.
Scholarship Duration and Limits
1. The maximum scholarship duration for each degree level for each recipient is as follows:
(1) Four (4) years for bachelor’s degree programs
(2) Two (2) years for master’s degree programs
(3) Four (4) years for doctoral programs
2. The total length of the scholarship duration for each recipient is limited to five (5)years in a combination of different degree levels.
3. The scholarship award period for each academic year is from September 1 to August 31 of the following year.
1. Applicants must be American nationals with a high-school diploma or post-secondary degree(s), have excellent academic records and be of good moral character.
2. Applicants are ineligible if any of the following restrictions apply:
(1) overseas Chinese students or nationals of the Republic of China (Taiwan).
(2) students who are currently registered or have obtained student status at any universities/colleges in Taiwan (graduating students pursuing further studies are exempt from this rule).
(3) students who have studied in Taiwan for the same level of degree program as the one they intend to enroll.
(4) exchange or dual/joint degree students admitted in accordance with academic cooperation agreements between local universities/colleges and foreign universities/colleges.
(5) individuals who have been recipients of the MOE Taiwan Scholarship for over a total of five (5) years.
(6) individuals who have, in the past, had their MOE Taiwan Scholarship or MOE Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES) revoked.
(7) recipients of any other scholarship or subsidy funded by the Taiwan government or educational institutions in Taiwan. However, this does not include preferential prices offered by universities/colleges to cover tuition and other fees exceeding this scholarship limit.
(8) Holders of the Alien Permanent Resident Certificate of the Republic of China (Taiwan).
3. Applicants should apply directly for admission within the application periods specified by each university/college.
1. Required documents:
(1) A completed Taiwan Scholarship Application Form 2022-2023;
(2) A copy of the applicant’s passport or other documents that can verify the nationality of the applicant;
(3) A copy of the certificate of the applicant’s highest degree obtained;
(4) Original academic transcripts (sealed) from the institution that the applicant obtained his/her highest degree;
(5) Proof of application for admission to universities/colleges in Taiwan (e.g. photocopies of application form(s), etc.) *The name of the school(s) and degree program(s) must be specified in those documents;
(6) A copy of the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) certificate of Level 3 or above. All-English taught programs applicants may be exempt from this requirement;
(7) Two letters of recommendation from school principals, professors, academic counselors, or supervisors;
(8) Statement of Purpose; and
(9) Terms of Agreement for the Ministry of Education Taiwan Scholarship Program (signed and dated by the applicant).
Note: The required documents will NOT be returned to applicants.
2. Submission: (*Late applications will NOT be considered for the selection):
(1) Applications must be submitted between February 1 and March 31, 2022.
(2) Application packages must be addressed to the following office and postmarked no later than March 31, 2022:
(3) Attn: Taiwan Scholarship
(4) Education Division of TECO in Houston
(5) 11 Greenway Plaza, Suite 2012
(6) Houston, TX 77046, USA
(7) All MOE Taiwan Scholarship applicants will be notified by May 31, 2022 and selected candidates must submit only one copy of an admission letter issued by one university/college to the e-mail: houston@moetw.org, by June 30, 2022.
Selection Criteria
1. Recipients’ academic goals should reflect an interest in the development of the industry, economy, and education of Taiwan.
2. Recipients should possess an outstanding undergraduate or postgraduate Grade Point Average (GPA).
3. Priority will be given to applicants with a TOCFL certificate of Level 3 or above.
4. Applications must be completed with all the required documents attached. Incomplete applications or those missing required documents will be withdrawn from the selection process without further notice to the applicants.
5. Interviews with qualified candidates in person or via internet/telephone may be required for the final selection process.
Other Regulations
1. The application instructions and guidelines are given in Chinese and English and, in the event of any discrepancy, the Chinese version will take precedence over the English text. For other details on the regulations for the MOE Taiwan Scholarship, please refer to the Taiwan Scholarship Program Directions, which can be downloaded at https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/web/index.aspx.
2. For a list of universities/colleges that may give Taiwan Scholarship recipients a discount for tuition and/or miscellaneous expenses for MOE Taiwan Scholarship Recipients, please also refer to the above website, under Taiwan Scholarship and MOE Operating Guidelines Related Accessories. For more information on the Taiwan University and Program, please visit https://www.studyintaiwan.org/university.
3. Program contact:
Education Division of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Houston
11 Greenway Plaza, Suite 2012
Houston, TX 77046, U.S.A.
Telephone: 713-871-0851
E-mail: houston@moetw.org
4. Taiwan Scholarship recipients are asked to submit a reflection statement to the Education Division of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Houston briefly overviewing their experiences upon completion of their study in Taiwan.
5. In response to continued spread of COVID-19 pandemic, all the awardees must follow entry restrictions and quarantine regulations for foreign nationals imposed by the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) and the Ministry of Education. For updated information, please visit Ministry of Foreign Affairs announcement at https://www.mofa.gov.tw/ .
- Conducted by the Education Division,
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Houston
Guidelines 👇👇👇
‧ Application Instructions and Guidelines for the MinistryofEducation TaiwanScholarship 2022-2023_English (Download)
Application Form 👇👇👇
1-1. Application Form for the Ministry of Education Taiwan Scholarship 2022-2023 (word) (pdf)
1-2. The Ministry of Education Taiwan Scholarship Program Terms of Agreement (Download)