【Ocean Challenge 2022】
Aligned with the core of the Ocean Decade and co-hosted by the Ocean Affairs Council and the American Institute in Taiwan Kaohsiung Branch, the Ocean Challenge 2022 provides a forum for young people to address pressing ocean issues through scientific approaches. This program is designed to promote young adults’ awareness of ocean crisis, mobilize them to take actions, and ensure the leaders of tomorrow are well informed about the intricacies of our oceans. Eligibility: The program includes four categories as follows: 1. Category A: Undergraduates and graduates in Taiwan. 2. Category B: Students from upper secondary schools, i.e., senior high schools and senior vocational schools, 5-year junior colleges, and international schools in Taiwan. 3. Category C: Young adults aged 35 and under. 4. Category D: Students from upper secondary schools, i.e., senior high schools and senior vocational schools, and higher educational institutes abroad. Each team shall consist of 2 to 8 members, competent in English oral presentation. Please include the required information below on the cover page of your proposal, including Team’s Name, Title of Proposal, School’s Name, Number and Names of Team Members, and Coach’s Information.) Cross-school teams or a mix of members at different educational levels are permitted. The application opens now and the deadline is 5pm, December 31, 2021, Taiwan Time (UTC+8) Please email your proposal and application form to Ms. Ariel Lai at youthocean@oac.gov.tw (contact number: +886-7-3381810 ext. 261322). Ocean Challenge 2022 Applicant Handbookhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1XLL4_2hgZfhfVRBkwme3GfP9umCl3edk/view?usp=sharingOcean Challenge 2022 Application Formhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ket8E95FA1Vj1xmbAC4gK8RrL1wD_AE_/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110314131675308257405&rtpof=true&sd=true----------------------------------------------------------------------- 【2022 臺灣海洋國際青年論壇】 海洋委員會為扣合「海洋科學促進永續發展十年」計畫目標,鼓勵青年學子及社 會青年運用海洋科學解決海洋所面臨的危機與挑戰,特別和美國在台 協會高雄分處(AIT/K)合作舉辦「2022 台灣海洋國際青年論壇」。 參加對象: 一、 全國大學校院、研究所、高中職、五專、國際學校學生、35 歲 以下社會青年,以及國外高中職、大學校院學生組隊報名參加, 團隊人數 2 至 8 名,能使用英語表達及答詢。 二、 以上條件請於提案文件封面中填列 (含團隊名稱、提案名稱、 代表學校、團隊人數、指導老師及團員姓名)。 三、 可以跨校、跨大學及研究所組隊報名參加。 報名期限:即日起至 2021 年 12 月 31 日(星期五)17 時止。 請將報名表及提案電子檔案電郵至:youthocean@oac.gov.tw 林麗英專門委員收(07-3381810 轉 261303) 2022 臺灣海洋國際青年論壇簡章https://drive.google.com/file/d/13aba6Xz1lPgg9eDDVY_zn8C8Ajzmm_e3/view?usp=sharing2022臺灣海洋國際青年論壇報名表https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f1oMwJnKQ2zmvPWGq66Ouf_gnGIgp58u/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110314131675308257405&rtpof=true&sd=true↧