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一、依據本校院長遴選辦法、法學院院長遴選要點及法學院院長遴選 委員會 110 年 3 月 10 日第一次會議決議辦理。

二、院長任期自 110 年 8 月 1 日起二年,連選得連任一次。






四、院長候選人得自行登記參選,或由院務會議推薦,或由遴選委員 會委員三分之一以上之連署舉薦。 

五、院長人選為校外人士時,就任前須依新聘教師聘任程序聘為本校 專任教授。 

六、本校法學院簡介:請參見網頁。 http://www.law.nccu.edu.tw/。 

七、候選人推薦表及資料表、相關書面資料及電子檔,請於 110 年 4 月 21 日下午 5 時前,寄至本校法學院院長遴選委員會(人事室 邱婉誼小姐代收),並請確認寄達與否。 

八、本校院長遴選辦法、法學院院長遴選要點、院長候選人推薦表及資料表等相關資訊刊登本校網頁: 網址:https://posman.nccu.edu.tw/app/news.php?Sn=3679 


 電話:(02)29393091 轉 63518 



Position Announcement Dean of the College of Law, National Chengchi University Applications and nominations are invited for the position of the Dean of the College of Law, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. 

The Dean is the chief academic and administrative officer for the College and reports to the President. The position is available as of August 1, 2021. 

The initial term is for 2 years with a renewable second term. From 1946 to 1993, the College of Law was comprised of the Department of Law as well as ten other departments, including departments of Political Science, Diplomacy, Economics, Sociology, Public Finance, etc. In 1993, in order to recognize and highlight the differences between social sciences and the study of jurisprudence, all departments except for the Department of Law were removed from the College of Law. 

With the approval from the Ministry of Education, the Department of Law itself became the College of Law. After undergoing the transformation, in view of the trend of highly specialized studies in legal education and academic curricular activities in German, Japan, and the United States, the College of Law, as a single department of general legal education, set up eight specialized research centers including the Center for Civil Law, the Center for Criminal Law, the Center for Public Law, the Center for Economic and Financial Law, the Center for Fundamental Jurisprudence, and the Center for Labor and Social Law to achieve the goals of one department and multiple institutes and research centers.

 To keep up with the trend of life-long learning and improve the combination among fields of law and other professionals, the Master of Laws Program for Executives was launched with approval from the Ministry of Education in 2003. Furthermore, in order to meet the demands of an increasingly diversified society as well as to cultivate more professionals of the interdisciplinary integration with legal education, the Institute of Law and Inter-discipline (ILI) was established in 2004 , which mainly admits students of non-law majors and is focused on the integration between law and special professional fields. 

Position Announcement 

1. Based on the “Regulations Governing the Search and Selection of Deans of Colleges at National Chengchi University” and the resolution of the first meeting of the Dean Search and Selection Committee of the College of Law dated March 10, 2021, we hereby publicly announce a search for candidates for the new Dean. 

2. Candidates for Dean must meet the following criteria: i. The candidate must be a full professor in a domestic or oversea university. ii. The candidate must possess: academic leadership skills, administrative capacity, passion for education, and high integrity. iii. The candidate must be an outstanding and prestigious scholar in a field of relevance to the College of Law. iv. The candidate has to assist and facilitate the construction progress of the new college building. 

3. Candidates for Dean shall be produced by one of the following methods: i. Self-registration ii. Nominations by the department affairs committee the College of Law iii. Nominations by the Dean Search and Selection Committee of the College of Law (with over 1/3 consensus) 

4. The final candidate, to be determined by the President, needs to be a full professor of NCCU or, if not, needs to be recruited as a full professor by NCCU before his/her inauguration of the Dean. 

5. Further information about the College can be found at: http://www.law.nccu.edu.tw/main.php 

6. Candidate Recommendation Form, application and nomination materials, as well as related soft copies must be sent by a registered mail or personally delivered to the Dean Search and Selection Committee of the College of Law (Attn: Ms. Wan-Yi Chiu, Personnel Office) by COB April 21, 2021 (postmarked). Delivery confirmation is strongly recommended. 

7. Information on the application, dean search and selection regulations, as well as Candidate Information Form can be found at:https://posman.nccu.edu.tw/app/news.php?Sn=3679 

Contact: Ms. Wan-Yi Chiu 

Tel: 886-2-29393091 ext. 63518 

Fax: 886-2-29382680 

Email: cwyi@nccu.edu.tw 

Dean Search and Selection Committee of the College of Law March 22, 2021

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