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國立政治大學公開徵求創新國際學院院長候選人啟事/Position Announcement-Dean of the International College of Innovation, National Chengchi University

一、 依據本校院長遴選辦法、創新國際學院院長遴選要點及創新國際學院院長遴選委員會109623日第一次會議決議辦理。
二、 院長任期三年,得連任一次。
三、 院長候選人應具備下列條件:
四、 院長候選人由各系()務會議推薦,或自行登記參選,或經遴選委員會全體委員三分之一以上之連署主動舉薦。
五、 院長人選為校外人士時,就任前須依新聘教師聘任程序聘為本校專教授。
六、 國立政治大學創新國際學院簡介:請參見網頁
七、 候選人登記表、相關書面資料及電子檔請於109731日下午5時前寄至本校創新國際學院院長遴選委員會(人事室葉尉鑫先生代收),並請確認寄達與否。
八、 本校院長遴選辦法、創新國際學院院長遴選要點、院長候選人推薦表及資料表等相關資訊刊登本校網頁:

National Chengchi University invites applications and nominations for the position of the Dean of the International College of Innovation. The Dean is the chief academic and administrative officer of the College and reports to the President. The initial appointment will be 3 years and with a single consecutive term. 

Established in 2018, the International College of Innovation (ICI) is the tenth college of National Chengchi University. ICI upholds its mission to provide quality education in Asian Society and Sustainable Development, Global Governance and Sustainable Development, and Global Technology and Innovation Management. Primary goals of ICI are to understand Asia in a dynamic global context, recognize the potential of Asian century and cultivate young talent. The National Chengchi University seeks a motivated, collaborative, and innovative dean for the International College of Innovation. 

The main duties and responsibilities include but are not limited to the following: 
1) In coordination with the faculty of the College to devise, implement, maintain and evaluate each program, appropriate to the mission of the College; 
2) Lead strategic planning and continuous improvement projects for cross‐ disciplinary programs; 
3) Establish relationships with the communities, benefactors, and partners in the public and private sector; 
4) Planning and budgeting, personnel actions, policies and procedures to guide the work of the College; 
5) Demonstrate commitment to the excellence and continuous growth of the College. 

Further information about the International College of Innovation (ICI) can be found at: https://www.ici.nccu.edu.tw/ 

Term and Duration: 
Three years with a with a single consecutive term. 

How to Apply: 
-Recommended by one of the departments, institutes or degree programs at the International College of Innovation; or 
-Nominated by the Search and Selection Committee (with over 1/3 consensus); or 

Application Deadline: 
Please provide both electronical format to: new04270@nccu.edu.tw and hard copy (by registered mail or delivered personally) to the following address by 31st July, 2020. 
*Note: Application documents should be signed by the applicant. 

Mr. Yeh (Personnel Office) c/o 
Dean Search and Selection Committee of the International College of Innovation 
64, Sec. 2, ZhiNan Road, WenShan District Taipei, Taiwan, ROC 116302 
886‐2‐29393091 ext. 62062 

For application forms please visit: https://posman.nccu.edu.tw/app/news.php?Sn=3213 

For further information, please contact Mr. Yeh, Personnel Office, 
TEL: 886‐2‐29393091 ext. 62062, or Email: new04270@nccu.edu.tw

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