美國國際教育委員會(American Councils for International Education, ACIE)與教育部於104年5月簽訂「新一代美國學生赴臺學習華語及文化計畫」瞭解備忘錄,該項合作計畫為期3年(自105年至107年),共計至少選送160名美國大學生赴臺研習華語及文化。
研習課程預定於本年6月17日至8月14日於國立成功大學辦理,報名資格為年滿18歲,研習華語1年以上之美國學生,報名截止日期為4月17日,相關資訊請參考美國國際教育委員會網站(http://www.acstudyabroad.org/taiwansummerlanguage/),或洽 Taiwan@americancouncils.org。
Taiwan Intensive Summer Language Program is an overseas language and cultural immersion program for American undergraduate and graduate students and young professionals who have studied one year (or the equivalent) of Chinese and want to learn more.
With the goal of broadening the base of Americans studying and mastering Mandarin language and building relationships between the people of the United States and Taiwan, the program provides opportunities to a diverse range of students from across the United States at an early level of language learning. The program is hosted by the Chinese Language Center at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in Tainan, Taiwan. For more information, visit website: http://www.acstudyabroad.org/taiwansummerlanguage/, or email: Taiwan@americancouncils.org.