Houston Health Foundation presented Certificates of Appreciation to supporters. |
“Study in Taiwan” booth was set in the event and attracted attention of the participants. |
To recognize International Women’s Day, the Women's Forum of Southern United States, chaired and organized by Taiwanese female leaders in Houston, hold their second annual event. For this occasion, the Women’s Forum collaborated with the Houston Health Foundation on their “See to Succeed” program which provides eye exams and eyeglasses to children in the Greater Houston area who do not have access to vision services. Good vision is critical to students achieving success in academics and beyond. This goodwill event through its luncheon raised a total of $16,000 for the above-mentioned program.
Director-General Peter Chen of TECO in Houston appreciated that the Women’s Forum brought together community, business leaders, educators and public officials to support this important cause. In his remarks, the Director-General mentioned that as the coronavirus pandemic takes a rapidly increasing toll on the health and well-being of people around the world, Taiwan has won widespread recognition for its impressive performance in dealing with the crisis. He went on to say that Taiwan would be a great contributor to the international health community and urged that the World Health Organization (WHO) include Taiwan in the epidemic prevention network because Taiwan can help achieve Health for All, a vision that WHO holds dear.
The Education Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Houston hosted a Taiwan booth to promote Taiwan education, culture, and study abroad opportunities through the Taiwan Ministry of Education’s Study in Taiwan programs. Local Artist Gonzo also participated in the Luncheon and generously bestowed to TECO a stunning mural featuring Taiwan imagery. A beautiful artwork for sweet memories of this goodwill event.