Channel: 駐休士頓辦事處教育組
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HCHS International Festival highlights TAIWAN Culture 休士頓基督教高中國際文化節臺灣文化廣受歡迎

Student wave the National Flag of the Republic of China (Taiwan) during the March of Flags

Students of the HCHS Chinese class wore Taiwan traditional aboriginal clothing and recited prayers in Mandarin

Director Andrea Yang of the Education Division, Director Rita Chen of the Cultural Center and Deputy Director Chia-Hua Chang of TECO in Houston posed for a photo with the Panel of Consulates

Ms. Grace Chang of the HCHS Mandarin Class, Director Andrea Yang of the Education Division and Deputy Director Chia-Hua Chang of TECO in Honolulu posed in front of Taiwan booth

Houston Christian High School HCHScelebrated their beloved city’s vibrant cultural diversity at an international festival on March 5, 2020.

The event was opened with a rainbow of Flags from countries around the world marching down the venue. Prayer, Spoken Word Performance, Arabic-Christian song, Chinese song, Lion Dance, Vietnamese Rap, K-Pop Club Dance, Mexican Folklore Dance, and an Introduction of the Panel of Consulates were featured in a dazzling concert for the attendees’ eyes and ears.


Lead by Ms. Grace Chang, students of the HCHS Mandarin class, clad in traditional clothing, recited prayers in Mandarin to generous attention and applause. The Education Division of TECO in Houston joined the Asia table to promote Taiwan education, culture, and study related in Taiwan scholarships. Delicious samples of Taiwan cuisine were also delivered directly to teachers and students.

休士頓基督高中中文班學生在來自臺灣的馬恩慈老師帶領下,身穿傳統民俗服裝,以平日所學有限中文朗誦祈禱文,贏得掌聲鼓勵。現場亦展示教育部Study in Taiwan文宣以推廣臺灣教育、文化及休閒活動,讓現場學生、老師及家長對臺灣有更進一步的認識。另美食攤位吸引全校眾多師生排隊。

Through this event, Dr. Stephen Livingston, Head of School of HCHS, expected the student to develop international outlook and respect different cultures. Chair of the World Language Department, Mr. Samuel Mendizabal expressed appreciation for support from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Houston.

    該校總校長Dr. Steve Livingston表示希望能藉由國際節活動,培養學生國際觀,增進學生對多元文化的尊重與包容。該校外語部暨多元委員會主席Dr. Sam Mendizabal並感謝駐休士頓辦事處對該校國際日的支持。

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