- 有意推薦人選或自行參加遴選者,請將申請資料正本及電子檔於2019年11月28日(四)中午12時前送達學校。Prospective candidates may self-recommend or be recommended. After completing all required forms, please send them with copies of the required certificates to the Dean Search Committee, College of Social Sciences, National Chung Cheng University, 168 University Rd., Minhsiung Township, Chiayi County 62102, Taiwan. All required documents must be delivered to the Committee by 12:00 noon, November 28, 2019.
- 院長遴選相關規定及表件等資料,請逕至國立中正大學網頁(https://www.ccu.edu.tw)「院長遴選專區」、學校社會科學院網站或http://t.ly/rveKX下載參閱。 For more information regarding relevant forms, please visit
國立中正大學社會科學院院長公開徵求候選人公告/Call for Applicants Dean of the College of Social Sciences National Chung Cheng University