領 域 | 名額 | 資格條件 |
結構工程 | 1名 | 申請者須在起聘日之前具備土木工程或相關領域之博士學位,並能勝任土木與結構工程之教學及研究工作,所需專長以結構力學或結構工程相關領域為優先。(起聘日:2017年8月1日) |
交通工程 | 1名 | 申請者須在起聘日之前具備交通運輸或相關領域之博士學位,並能勝任土木工程與交通運輸之教學及研究工作,以「運輸工程與規劃」、「運輸能源與智慧交通」或「航空運輸工程與管理」相關領域為優先(起聘日:2017年8月1日) |
1.應徵函(cover letter)
4.預定研究課題計畫書 (最多6頁)
有意應徵者請備上列文件寄至臺北市羅斯福路四段一號國立台灣大學土木工程學系謝尚賢主任收(封面上請註明應徵教職)。並請備電子檔於收件截止日(106年1月15日)前以e-mail寄至 msliu@ntu.edu.tw(劉民瑄小姐) ,其中1.聘任基本資料表、2.送審著作表、6.推薦人之通訊資料請存WORD檔,其餘可用PDF檔。
Faculty Position Opening
The Department of Civil Engineering at the National Taiwan University invites applications for the following tenure-track faculty position:
1. One position in the Division of Structural Engineering. Applicants with expertise and research interests on Structural Mechanics or Structural Engineering are preferred (starting date:August 1, 2017; deadline for application: Jan. 15, 2017)
2. One position in the Division of Transportation Engineering. Applicants with expertise and research interests in the following areas are preferred:
(1) Transportation Engineering and Planning
(2) Transportation Energy and Intelligent Transportation
(3) Air Transportation Engineering and Management
(starting date: August 1, 2017; deadline for application: Jan. 15, 2017)
Unless otherwise indicated, this position may be filled at the assistant, associate, or full professor rank depending on the successful candidates’ qualifications and experiences. Each applicant should hold a doctoral degree in Civil Engineering or a closely related field by the starting date, and demonstrate interests and expertise in inter-disciplinary research and undergraduate and graduate teaching.
Applicants must provide the following items:
1. a cover letter;
2. a curriculum vitae that states academic and working experiences, expertise, and possible courses to be offered;
3. a statement of research plan for the next five years (6 pages maximum);
4. a copy of the official doctorate degree certificate if possible;
5. transcript of graduate studies (if applicants are applying for an assistant professor position);
6. complete contact information of 3 - 5 references;
7. a list of publications;
8. one representative publication published between August 1, 2012 and August 1, 2017; five selected publications published between August 1, 2010 and August 1, 2017.
Applicants should submit an application package to Dr. Shang-Hsien Hsieh, Professor and Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 10617, Taiwan. For more information, please visit http://www.ce.ntu.edu.tw.